october 2017 newsletter

The fall semester is well underway, and Living Arts is excited to present an update on how our community has been encouraging and fostering an interdisciplinary approach to creative pursuits!
This newsletter will recap some of the exciting activities we’ve had in the past few weeks and will provide insight into thought processes of our current and former students and faculty/staff that assist with our program. This newsletter serves as the medium through which you, our members and supporters, can gain insight into our wonderful community.

- Important Dates
- All-Community Meetings
- Alumni Events
- Meet Our Office Assistant
- Community Member Spotlights
Important Community Dates
- Saturday, October 28th:
Living Arts Haunted House, 5:30-8:30pm
- Sunday, November 5th:
All Community Meeting, 3-6pm
- Saturday, December 3rd:
All Community Meeting , 3-6pm
All-Community Meetings
Members of the Mosaic Film Experience visited Living Arts this past September, presenting a workshop titled, Growing Stories in our Community: Unity in Diversity. The goal of this workshop was to give our students insight into the creative storytelling and filmmaking process. Our guests began by introducing the basics of developing a storyline and scriptwriting, followed by filmmaking techniques that are designed to enhance and serve the storyline. Using only their mobile devices as a video camera, our students were then set loose to create their own 1-2 minute short films on the subject of Unity in Diversity. In the end our students produced 20 short videos and learned helpful tips about creativity in filmmaking by industry professionals.

Living Arts was once again pleased to host an event with UM Associate Professor of Dance, Amy Chavasse, who presented a workshop titled, Making Meaning from Movement. Through a range of individual and group dance activities, Our students learned a great deal about how the mind, body and senses are involved in creative process. This unique workshop is a favorite of the Living Arts students as it addresses concepts and a type of creative endeavor that many students do not have the opportunity to experience.

Alumni Events

Bubble Tea Night
Our Living Arts alumni kicked off the school year by meeting up for a night of bubble tea at Sweeting, located on South U, where they were able to catch up after a long summer away.
Alumni Dinner
At our second event, Living Arts alumni met up at our very own Creative Lounge at Bursley Hall to discuss alumni plans for this year. The Living Arts Alumni Board seeks to support and broaden the pre-existing Living Arts community and promotes the engagement of alumni within the community. Alumni are currently in the midst of planning fun social events between alumni and current first-years as well as developing workshops of their own to hold for the community.
Meet Our New Office Assistant!

Estefania Escobar
Living Arts Alumni Board President
Sophomore, College of Engineering
How do you see the alumni program growing in the upcoming year?
"I have already seen a lot of alumni-involvement in the past month and a half that we've been in school, and I hope that this involvement stays at this level and continues to grow. I think this will be possible as we have more alumni social events and events between the alumni and first-years. I want to provide our alumni with various opportunities to stay involved throughout the year."
What about Living Arts intrigued you to come back as the Office Assistant?
"As a first-year member in Living Arts, I was able to engage and build a community with people that were passionate about their own interests but also open to new experiences in different fields. This close-knit group of friends, along with our community workshops and projects, made my first-year experience worthwhile and made me want to keep a connection with Living Arts. As the office assistant, I wanted to play a role as a connection between the current residential community and the office staff in order to help the office improve the experience for the first-years by offering my insight into the current community."
What do you hope to accomplish as Alumni Board President?
"I want alumni to know that they are still a part of Living Arts even past their first year, and I want to encourage their involvement in the program by planning events between alumni and first-years. As president, I want to look into structuring the Alumni Board in a way that optimizes engagement and allows for plenty of feedback. I really value input from alumni and am open to any suggestions they may have to improve the current alumni program. While working with the Board, I also want to find ways for alumni to gain something from involvement in the community past the first year, whether it be leadership experience from leading workshops, or something else."
Community Member Spotlights
Saawan Tiwari
Living Arts First Year Member
School of Music, Theatre & Dance
Saawan Tiwari, a first year student in the School of Music, Theatre & Dance from Sacramento, California, is studying to achieve his BFA in Design and Production with a focus on Costume Design. When asked why he joined Living Arts, Saawan answered that he was attracted to an atmosphere that allowed him to “meet and collaborate with people from other art fields.” As a first-year college student, Saawan has been greatly impacted by the community Living Arts has offered him. "All of my main college friends are from Living Arts. We hang out together every night.”
As a member of Living Arts, Saawan is intrigued by the interdisciplinary focus and easy access to collaboration with other disciplines.

"I really think art is a medium that is very transferable to multiple fields, and I hope that having these unique experiences as an artist will really give me an edge in my degree."
Besides being a member of Living Arts, Saawan is the secretary for the Bursley Family Multicultural Council, the assistant costume designer for MUSKET’s Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson, and the MC for the shadow cast of the upcoming Rocky Horror showing at Michigan Theatre. Saawan is an active member of Living Arts, and we look forward to see how the program influences his collegiate experience!