alumni mentoring program
The Living ArtsEngine mentoring program is a new ArtsEngine initiative designed to connect current UM students who participated in LAE with LAE working professionals. We believe that our alumni have a wealth of knowledge to share. lessons learned throughout their academic and professional life and connections they have made along the way give them unique insight and the ability to provide helpful advice and invaluable guidance to students.
Our hope is that this platform will allow for meaningful connections and guidance in regards to personal and professional development, career advice, Job Shadowing, networking, project guidance or any other areas that both mentor and mentee find beneficial.
How it works
Prospective mentors and mentees will submit personal profiles via form. The Living ArtsEngine Alumni Board, in collaboration with ArtsEngine staff, will review mentor and mentee profiles and make connections based on areas of personal and professional interests.
Want to connect with alumni?
If you are a current UM student who participated in Living ArtsEngine, you may sign up for Winter Semester mentoring by clicking the link below. You will be asked to provide basic personal information and interest so that we can make a good match. To allow time for matching, the deadline for submitting your profile is Monday, September 9th.
If you are a past Living ArtsEngine student who has graduated from UM and would like to be considered for a mentoring role, please fill out your information using the link below. We will contact you to give you more information.
What happens after the match is made?
Each mentee will be introduced to their mentor via email. The mentor will contact the mentee to begin meeting periodically throughout the semester. Mentors and mentees are encouraged to connect at least once each month via zoom, phone or in-person if possible. ArtsEngine will survey both mentor and mentee twice during the semester to ensure that the match is beneficial for both parties.
Please contact us: